2025 Hit Parade Gaming Graded Limited Edition Series 2 Hobby Box
Purchase through our Exclusive Hit Parade Provider:
• One (1) Graded Pokemon Card Per Box
• Only 100 Hand Numbered Boxes Produced
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Every box contains Every box contains one (1) PSA or BGS graded Pokemon card from all over the history of the TCG! We use only the most credible manufacturers and grading companies when it comes to our products. It is our goal to bring you the highest quality cards and most recognizable names worthy of only Hit Parade Products!
2025 Hit Parade Gaming Graded Limited Edition Series 2 is headlined by: - 2002 Legendary Collection Snorlax Reverse Holo #64 PSA 9 - 2000 Base Set 2 Charizard Holo #4 PSA 7 - 1999 Movie Promo Pikachu #4 PSA 10 Floor: $25 Ceiling: $750 The Market Value Average for each product is determined at the date of packing (2/20/2024) by a team of sports industry experts at Hit Parade using various data points including but not limited to: eBay, Card Ladder, 130point, Alt, PWCC, Goldin, Card Shows, and more! Look for these stars in this Hit Parade product: Aerodactyl Alakazam Arbok Arctibax Beedrill Blastoise Blissey Bulbasaur Chansey Charizard Crobat Doduo Dragonair Dugtrio Eiscue Elesa's Sparkle Espeon Fearow Flaaffy Flareon Frigibax Garchomp Gardevoir Gengar Gholdengo Golem Golisopod Great Tusk Gyarados Hitmonchan Iron Crown Iron Hands Joltik Jynx Kangaskhan Lucario Lumineon Machamp Machoke Magcargo Magneton Marill Muk Munchlax Nidoking Ninetales Palafin Persian Pikachu Pinsir Plsusle Poliwhirl Porygon2 Psyduck Riolu Roaring Moon Sandaconda Scyther Shaymin Shiftry Slyveon Smeargle Sneasler Snorlax Squirtle Swinub Tangela Tentacruel Toxtricity Ursaring Urshifu Vaporeon Venusaur Virizion Vulpix Zamazenta Zeraora